Friday, January 23, 2009

Where Do You Stand?

Where Do You Stand?

Where do you stand with regard to critical thinking?
I believe that critical thinking is the action or ability to take facts and draw a conclusion from those facts. I believe that critical thinking is your ability to think for yourself.

FEET: What do I stand for as a foundation of critical thinking?
I believe my foundation for critical thinking is probably average. I think that every person does critical thinking in their everyday lives, sometimes without even knowing it, or realizing it, including myself. I believe that my “average” foundation of critical thinking can be improved. There is always more for improvement.

STOMACH: What upsets me about critical thinking?
What upsets me about critical thinking is that a lot of people judge prior to hearing or seeing all the facts. I think that judging others is wrong, especially before you have all the facts.

HEART: What do I love about critical thinking?
I love that I have the ability to think for myself; to listen to facts and come up with my own conclusion.

HANDS: What do I feel about critical thinking?
I feel that some people do not fully understand the process of critical thinking. Some people may not be honest, while others do not have an open-mind, therefore missing some key characteristics of critical thinking.

EARS: What do I hear about critical thinking?
I hear different interpretations of the definition of critical thinking from different people. Critical thinking takes on different meanings to different people.

EYES: What do I see about critical thinking?
I see that when I do a little research, I find that critical thinking has different characteristics. Some of those characteristics are rationality, self-awareness, honesty, open-mindedness, discipline and judgment.

BRAIN: What do I think about critical thinking?
I think that we can all learn to become better critical thinkers.

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