Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter 10 - CRCB - Textbook Markings Summary

“CRCB”: Chapter 10 – Textbook Marking – Summary

In this chapter you learn how to correctly mark your textbook for better studying and understanding. First there are some tips for textbook marking. Some of these tips are 1) buy new textbooks. You don’t want to get confused with previous students textbook markings. You want your textbook to be ready for your own markings. 2) Buy a fine-point pen. The purpose of this is for narrow book margins. You want to have a pen that when you write, you will be able to fit all your text. And 3) Buy highlighters; different colored highlighters can help you with differentiating between vocab words and main ideas, etc. There are four steps to properly mark your textbook. These steps are preview, study-read, mark/ highlight text, and write margin clues. You want to skim over what you are about to read to acknowledge any vocabulary words you may not know ask yourself some questions and to predict what the reading will be about. Then you want to make sure you understand what you are reading. Make sure to mark or highlight key points and vocabulary. And finally make sure to write clues in the margin so you understand why you wrote the notes you did. I think that this chapter was helpful in knowing the proper way to mark in your textbook. For me, I always over mark or over-highlight in my books. I think I will attempt to use the strategies outlined in this chapter for textbook marking. Although, I still think I like taking notes instead. It helps me to write down all the information I am learning.

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