Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CRCB - Chapter 9 - PSR Strategies Exercise

“CRCB”: Chapter 9 – PSR Strategies Exercise

Learning Journal – Page 285:
In your journal, explain how you currently prepare to read a textbook chapter or other reading materials.
I don’t really do much to prepare for reading a chapter or other material. I guess the only thing I really do is make sure I am in a quieter area. A lot of times when I read it is hard for me to understand and comprehend what I am reading unless it is quiet. Other than that, I just read what needs to be read.

Learning Journal – Page 292:
Do you already preview your textbooks? In your own words, explain the procedure and the benefits of the previewing stage of reading as presented in this chapter. Then compare this process with what you already do before you read. Are there any parts of the previewing process presented here that you feel would not work for you? Why?
I currently do not preview chapters in my textbooks before reading them. The procedure for previewing your readings prior to actually reading them is first, to skim the reading to get an idea of what you are about to read. Next you would ask yourself some questions about the reading. You would do this so you are more engaged in your reading. You are looking for the answers to your questions while reading. Then you would predict what the text will be about. The purpose of this is to check to see what you may already know about the topic. I can see that if I were to preview readings prior to actually reading them, I may benefit by understanding what I am reading better. I don’t think predicting what the text will be about will help me in any way. I look at that as more of a waste of time. I do think asking questions and searching for answers would be beneficial.

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