Sunday, March 8, 2009

CRCB - Chapter 4: Managing Your Reading Time Summary

CRCB: Chapter 4 - Managing Your Reading Time - Summary

This chapter was about different types of reading and different strategies for reading. There is speed-reading and critical reading. Speed-reading is more of a way to group words together and read quickly, while critical reading is about taking your time and fully comprehending every word the author wrote. I think no matter what type of reading you use, you should be able to understand what you just read. It is important for you to understand what your reading rate is. This chapter gives an outline of the average pages per hour read in different subjects. You can use this chart to compare your own reading rate to. This will help you determine if you have an issue with reading and also can help you plan your reading schedule for each class better. Some different strategies I learned in this chapter are pacing, skimming, subvocalizing, and rereading. I already utilize pacing and reading aloud, but I will try some of the other strategies as well. I am also interested to find out what my average reading rate is for each subject. I will test this too. Also in this chapter, we learned how to make charts to help us better utilize our time for studying. I do have a “homework notebook” now that I write my weekly assignments in. I will try to also make a general study schedule as well. I think then I can visually see what I am doing at all times throughout the school week.

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