Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TFY - Chapter 10 Fallacies Summary

TFY Chapter 10 – Fallacies Summary

In this chapter I learned some of the different types of fallacies that are made. These types are manipulated through language, emotion, and distraction. When using a fallacy to manipulate through language, the different ways to do so are through using vague or undefined words, using misleading euphemisms, or being prejudice. When using fallacy to manipulate through emotion, the different ways to do so are through appealing to fear, pity, to false authority, to the popular vote or again through prejudice. And when using fallacy to manipulate through distraction, the different ways of doing so are red herrings, pointing elsewhere to another wrong, but no admitting wrongdoing yourself. Also, misrepresenting an opponent’s viewpoint, pinpointing one issue and making it bigger than it really is, and repeating solutions; acting like the solution is actually reasoning. In reading some of the examples given in this chapter, it really got me thinking of how often fallacies appear before us. Sometimes they even appear without us realizing it. I can even now see how we ourselves may use these fallacies in our daily lives. Especially in a situation when we may not want to admit we are wrong. For some, including myself at times, that is a hard thing to do. So acting out or saying a fallacy is easier, although not right.

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