Tuesday, March 24, 2009

CRCB - Chapter 8 - Textbook Methods of Organization Summary

CRCB – Chapter 8 Textbook Methods of Organization Summary

This chapter teaches the reader on all the different organizational writing methods authors use in textbooks or even articles in the newspaper. These different organizational methods are listing, analytical, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, definition and example and sequence. I learned in this chapter that each of these methods can normally be detected by which OWCs (Organizational Word Clues) are used. Although, reading something like a newspaper article may not include many of these. When an author has a limited amount of space to write in, they would rather save the room for the material, not OWCs. I think that when you are writing something, it goes without question; you must organize your material in some way. If you didn’t, a reader would not be able to follow what you were saying. I think that organizing your writing, at least for myself, is almost done unconsciously. I don’t even realize I am doing it. Or maybe it is just that when I am organizing my writing, I feel like it is second nature to me. Like I said, it is just something that has to be done.

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